I added the Hit It High And Long Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because everyone likes to hit the ball high and long.

Hit It High And Long Drill

Long Game Practice Drills

3 out of 10

15 minutes

Any golf club. Golf ball. Golf Practice Planner.

The Hit It High And Long Drill will help you hit the ball high and long with some follow-through feels. You’ll discover what needs to happen just past impact and into the follow-through.

My brother, Carl Watts, is an ex European Tour Pro and he always says to me that the quickest and easiest way to improve someone’s swing was to get them to focus on the follow-through (yet 99% of coaching appears to focus on the backswing).


Step 1: Watch
Watch the video below.

Step 2: High Hips Feel
Take your address position. Imagine a shaft along your belt line (see image below).

When you swing through, your belt should finish higher than the shaft (see image below).

On the through swing, the hips should feel 4 inches higher than at the address position. That’s a lot! This “high hips” feeling will help you hit the ball higher and further because it helps you extend through the ball.

Hit It High And Long Drill

Step 3: Backbend Feel
As you extend through the ball, with your belt buckle 4 inches higher than the shaft, the extension will create a “backend” and that helps the club extend upwards (see image below) which also increases height and distance.

Hit It High And Long Drill Backbend

Step 4: Hips Pushed Forward And Up Feel
As you extend through the ball, with your belt buckle 4 inches higher than the shaft, you’ll also feel that your hips are pushed forward and point upwards (see image below).

Hit It High And Long Drill Hips Forward

Step 5: Hamstring Stretch Feel
As you extend through the ball, with your belt buckle 4 inches higher than the shaft, you’ll also feel that a good hamstring stretch (see image below). That hamstring stretch helps the hips get even higher through the ball (to hit the ball high and long).

Hit It High And Long Drill

Step 6: Jump At Impact Feel
Almost all modern tour plays like Francesco Molinari, Justin Thomas, and Bubba Watson feel as if they’re jumping at impact (see image below).

Bubba Watson actually does “jump” at impact! This jumping feeling increases the extension of the hips that is so crucial to hitting the ball high and long.

Bubba Watson Jumping Drill


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