Lightning Hands Golf Drill: Add Speed and Distance to Your Swing
If you want more distance and accuracy, you’ll love the Lightning Hands For More Distance Golf Drill.
If you want more distance and accuracy, you’ll love the Lightning Hands For More Distance Golf Drill.
Tour pros chew the fat when standing behind the ball, and so should you if you want to improve your golf.
Tour pros have set their club face alignment open when addressing the ball. Discover why it’s your key to success!
All great golfers stare at the target and glance at the ball. Do you? This is the quickest and easiest drill to improve your golf game!
The “Loose Arms Drill” will teach you to loosen your arms to get your wrists hinging like the tour pros.
The Tiger Woods Magic Box Drill will train you to get into the magic box, which is the most important move in golf.