I added the Stare At The Target Glance At The Ball Setup Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because it’s one of the quickest and easiest drills to improve your scoring.

Stare At The Target Glance At The Ball Setup Drill

Long Game Practice Drills

1 out of 10

15 minutes

Any golf club. Golf ball. Golf Practice Planner.

The Stare At The Target Glance At The Ball Setup Drill will teach what all top golf pros do while addressing the ball. If you like this setup drill you might like the Avoid Common Setup Mistakes Drill.


Step 1: Watch
Watch the video below.

Step 2: Stare At The Target Glance At The Ball
When in the address position it’s crucial to be constantly staring at the target.

The worst thing you can do is stare at the ball because that will breed fear and get your mind focusing on technique instead of the target. When staring at the target make sure you swivel your head instead of getting up out of your posture.

Switch between staring at the target and glancing at the ball. The goal is to spend 10 times more time staring at the target than you do glancing at the ball.

Stare At The Target Glance At The Ball Golf Drill

Step 3: Pick Your Favourite Pro
Go to YouTube and search for your favourite pro, and become aware of how they stare at the target and glance at the ball, then do the same.

The absolute best at this is Raymond Floyd. He seemed to stare so fixedly at the target that the target must have felt intimidated! Tiger Woods and Nick Faldo are also well worth watching.

Whichever pro you pick will stare at the target and glance at the ball so much that you might be forgiven for thinking they are fidgeting, but the ‘stare at the target and glance at the ball’ formula is the secret to good scoring. There’s no better way of turning on the subconscious part of your brain (which is key to good golf).

Step 4: Competitive Practice
Hit 10 balls with your new ‘stare at the target and glance at the ball’ formula. Give yourself one point each time you remember to do it.

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Golf Drills Practice Planner