I added the Lightning Hands For More Distance Golf Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because you’re gonna love how simple it is.

Lightning Hands For More Distance Golf Drill

Long Game Practice Drills

2 out of 10

15 minutes

Any golf club. Golf ball. Golf Practice Planner.

If you want more distance and accuracy, let’s get you striking your shots so pure that you experience an amazing pop off the clubface.

Most amateurs have slow hands through the hitting zone. In this drill, you’re going to get your hands lightning fast with forearm rotation that will replace the dreaded chicken wing with more distance and accuracy.

If you like this drill, take a peek at our other long game practice drills.


Step 1: Watch
Watch the video below.

Step 2: Understand The Thigh To Thigh Lightning Release Concept

If you want more power it’s crucial to increase your hand speed through impact. Most amateurs have slow hands (a.ka. the holding on move) through impact.

Holding on, trying to keep the clubface really square through impact, is a death move. Instead, you want to get the clubface released as quickly as you can from thigh to thigh. The release should start on your right thigh and end on your left thigh. That’s a tiny part of the swing which is why the release has to be lightning-fast. You don’t have enough time to go slow!

Start the release from the right thigh (see the image below).

Lightning Hands For More Distance Golf Drill Step 2

Finish the release just past the left thigh (see the image below).

Step 3: Thigh To Thigh Lightning Release Drill

Make a half swing, then as your hands get close to your right thigh on the downswing, release as quickly as you can.

It’s impossible for you to release too fast! So, have fun and go wild. Release means getting your trail hand on top of your lead hand (see image above).

If you’ve been holding onto the club through impact, which 99% of amateurs do, it will feel completely mad to release the club so quickly. But remember that it’s impossible to release too fast within the thigh-to-thigh area. Be brave. Go fast. Go lightning fast! If there’s something faster than lightning, go that fast. The good news is that you’ll start getting a lovely draw. You still want fast hands when fading the ball (simply aim left and open your clubface at the address).

You’ll be amazed at how quickly the ball flies off the clubface.

Step 4: Competitive Practice
Pick a club and hit 10 balls with your normal swing.

Hit 10 balls releasing the club as fast as you can from thigh to thigh. You’ll probably find that the ‘lightning hands’ shots went further and were more accurate.

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