Lots of top pros are using this vertical jump power drill including Justin Thomas, Bubba Watson, and Francesco Molinari.
“98% of golfers want more power. Yeah, I don’t understand that remaining 2%, either.” – George Watts
I added the Justin Thomas Jump For Power Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because I just love a good power drill, and this is one of the best.
Justin Thomas hits the ball over 300 yards on average. Not bad for someone who is only 5 foot 10 inches tall (short for today’s pro golfers). And it’s all down to his Vertical Jump Power Drill.
It’s a lot of fun. You’ll feel an amazing sense of freedom and your brain will be utterly devoid of swing thoughts, which is the key to great golf. The good news is that you can do this drill from the comfort of your living room on a rainy day.
In this drill you’re obviously going to learn a “power move”, but you’ll also learn how to start the downswing without thinking about it. It’ll be a little weird at first, but you’re going to love the way that this drill unlocks the natural athlete that lurks within you.
I promise that you’re going to have a lot of fun swinging like Justin Thomas, Francesco Molinari and Bubba Watson! And I think this drill will quickly become one of your favourites.
“I won’t play an 18-hole practice round unless I’m playing for something. That goes for when I’m at home, too. It doesn’t have to be for much, but it has to be for something, because I want to hit every shot like it matters.” – Justin Thomas
Justin Thomas Jump For Power Drill
Long Game Practice Drills
5 out of 10
5 minutes
Golf Practice Planner.
The Justin Thomas Jump For Power Drill will help you unleash swing power with zero thought of technique. You’ll learn the professional way to start the downswing without thinking about it.
It’ll be a little weird at first, but you’re going to love this drill because it’s so natural. You’ll be tapping into the natural athlete within.
You’re going to have a lot of fun swinging like Justin Thomas.
Step 1: Watch
Watch the video.
Step 2: Jump Without A Club
Take your address position without a club. Jump. Notice what happens. Your knees “naturally” moved down to unleash the jump. To jump up, you had to go down first. You’re going to do the exact same thing in this drill.
Step 3: Jump With A Club
Take your address position with a club. Swing. Jump at impact so that you come up on your toes (like Justin Thomas does). Coming up on his toes like this is counteracting the G forces of his swing arc. It’s a wonderful “slinging action” which creates lots of power. The further you want to hit the ball, the more you need to squat at the start of the downswing so that you can jump back up at impact.
Justin keeps his head level throughout the swing. You don’t need to do that. Give your head the freedom to move up and down. Your head may come down at the start of downswing because of the “squat”, and it may rise up at impact because of the jump. That’s absolutely okay. Don’t try to force your head to stay level unless you’re a very flexible 20 or 30 year old!
Step 4: Keep Score
Do 10 Justin Thomas jump for power swings (step 3). Give yourself one point each time you perform the jump correctly.
If you enjoyed this free golf practice drill, you might like my Golf Drills Practice Planner. If you're a golf nerd, you're gonna love it.