My Golf Practice Diary
Below is my golf video practice diary.
I’m the creator of the Golf Drills Practice Planner which has hundreds of professional golf practice drills to choose from. I hope that sharing my diary will help inspire you to keep your own diary.
Video Diary
Points I cover in the video:
- Ran to the gym (2.5 miles). So ran 5 miles in total and did a 2-hour gym session.
- Addicted to TXR band exercises (great for golfers!).
- I joined a no-frills gym that is open 24/7.
- Fitness edge: my number one edge is to be the fittest guy on the senior tour.
- Short game edge: my number two edge is to have a ridiculously good short game.
- My main focus is showing up daily to a “disciplined fitness routine” at home and the gym.
- The book “Grit” was the inspiration for embarking on my golfing journey.
- Highly recommend reading Grit by Angela Duckworth.
- Highly recommend reading Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins.
- Highly recommend reading Finding Ultra by Rich Roll.
- David Goggin’s 40% Rule: most of us don’t use more than 40% of our physical capacity.
- The path of least resistance: why it’s made our human species brilliant and lazy.
- Being addicted to the Comfort Zone.
- Increased cardio (running and spin at the gym) has dramatically increased my energy.
- Getting disciplined with my Google Calendar (chunking/scheduling).
- Show up to what I’ve “chunked” in my calendar (prevent decision fatigue).
- 90% of success is planning the week and showing up (disciplined focus).
- Wake up with a plan for the week/day (reduces pressure).
- Long Swing fault: On the backswing, I move off the ball with my hips.
- Keeping hips still on backswing increased 13 yards on my 7 iron shots.
- Pitching fault: I was also moving off the ball with my hips.
- Keeping hips still makes me feel much wider at top of the swing (generates more distance).