Distant Wedge Bank Drill: Show Me The Money


The Wedge Bank drill is from the Golf Practice Planner.

Distant Wedge Bank Drill

Distant Wedges Practice Drills

3 out of 10

30 minutes

Wedges. Practice range. Cones. Imaginary bank.

Builds confidence with your wedge play. Simulates tournament golf.


Step 1: Choose A Number
On the practice range, choose a random number from 30 to 120. Put cones or golf sticks out at 10-yard intervals (30 yards, 40 yards, 50 yards, and up to 120 yards).

Step 2: Choose A Club
Select the appropriate club.

Step 3: Hit The Shot
Do a practice swing to produce the yardage, then hit the shot.

Step 4: Keep Score 
Deduct £1 from an imaginary bank account with a balance of £30 for every yard you are off-target (e.g. 3 yards short and 1 yard right is a £4 deduction). See if you can hit 10 ten random distance wedges and still have money left in the bank.

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