I added the Stop Getting Stuck On The Dowsing Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because almost all amateurs get stuck on the downswing.
Stop Getting Stuck On The Downswing Drill
Long Game Practice Drills
2 out of 10
15 minutes
Any golf club. Golf ball. Golf Practice Planner.
The Stop Getting Stuck On The Downswing Drill will teach you to free up your downswing like the pros. Nobody wants to feel stuck. If you’re stuck on the downswing you’ve lost complete control over the clubface and therefore have to give it a lot of hand action at impact to try to save the shot.
In this drill, you’ll learn why golfers get stuck, and how to get unstuck.
Step 1: Watch
Watch the video below.
Step 2: Understand Why Golfers Get Stuck
There are three main causes of getting stuck on the downswing. See below.
Getting Stuck Move No.1: Lawnmower Move
The “Lawnmower Move” happens when the golfer pulls their arms behind them early on the backswing (see image below). This causes the club to get stuck on the downswing. The left arm is pinned (trapped) across the chest (not good). It’s called the Lawnmower Move because this position is what your arm will get into when starting a lawnmower.
Getting Stuck Move No.2: Stuck Top Of Backswing Move
If the golfer makes a good takeaway, but stops turning their trunk and let their arms and right elbow get stuck (see image below). The golfer is now stuck at the top of the backswing.
Getting Stuck Move No.3: Ole Move
If the golfer exaggerates the hips opening on the downswing (causes a big gap between the hips and arms on the downswing) it gets them stuck on the downswing.
Tiger called it the “Ole Move”. It will mean that you have to drastically roll your wrists at impact to try to square the clubface.
Pros used to teach the “Ole Move” not that long ago. This is bad advice. Everything starts down at approximately the same time. If you’re trying to physically start the hips faster than your hands/arms, you’re going to get yourself stuck.
Step 3: Start From The Finish
David Toms (2001 PGA Champion) said: “You can’t make a bad backswing if you start your swing from almost finish position.” Your body and arms will naturally take on the correct motion. See the image below.
Step 4: Competitive Practice
Do 10 “Start From The Finish” shots.
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