
I want to get a Rory McIlroy six-pack!

I recently saw an image of Rory Mcllroy showing his sleek, rippled six-pack. And it got me thinking. Can I, a 44-year-old golfer get a Mclloryesque 6 pack within 6 months?

Admittedly there are an inexhaustible amount of global issues that deserve my attention more than my flat unimpressive belly. To name just a few, there is global warming, the genocide of 100 billion farm animals every year, high suicide rates of teenagers with too much pressure and too few inner tools to manage that pressure, an ageing world population, 795 million undernourished people, millions of people (most of them children) dying each year from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, and cyberbullying.

I’m interested in and concerned about all these global issues…and more.


Maybe. Just maybe this post will inspire others to develop a strong core.

Why such devotion to such a small area of the body?

A strong rectus abdominis has a myriad of glorious benefits: 

  • improved balance and stability
  • prevention of back problems
  • strengthened diaphragm (plays an essential role in deep breathing)
  • improved digestion
  • improved heart health (excess fat around the belly is dangerous)
  • better posture (strong core keeps back stable)

I profess to envision a day in the future of oiling myself down in whatever muscle-glinting oil bodybuilders glaze themselves in (hopefully not lard as I’m vegan) and then hearing a girlish shriek of approval from my better half as she lays eyes on my “six” well-grooved belly segments (which I’ve been reliably informed are called a 6 pack) as I peel off the way too small t-shirt (that used to fit me perfectly) from my desirable, hairless, six-packed, bronzed chest.


I use the Golf Practice Planner to create my weekly fitness plan. There are dozens of golf-specific “at-home” exercises to choose from to create your very own golf fitness training plan.

Golf Drills Practice Planner

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