I added the Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill to the Golf Practice Planner today because it is the “death move” in most golf swings.

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

Long Game Practice Drills

3 out of 10

15 minutes

Any golf club. Golf ball. Golf Practice Planner.

The Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill will teach you to get rid of the cupped left wrist at the top of your swing.

A cupped left wrist at the top of the swing is a death move for some of the best in the world, but it can spell BIG TROUBLE for so many amateurs who struggle to get the club planed successfully on the downswing. In this drill, you’ll discover how to fix that cupped left wrist at the top of your swing.


Step 1: Watch
Watch the video below.

Step 2: Reverse Motorcycle Feel
On the backswing, feel as if you’re doing a “reverse motorcycle” action with your left wrist (allow the left wrist to “bow”). If you’re doing it correctly, by the time your left arm gets parallel to the ground you’ll have the “bow” in the left wrist.

Make sure you get the club “pitching up” on a nice angle, so the butt of the shaft is pointing approximately at the golf ball.

Don’t overdo the “bowing”, as it will cause you to bounce out of it in the downswing causing the club to be cupped.

Step 3: Start Swing From Post Impact Drill
To get the correct “bowing” of the left wrist, start the club at full extension (past the impact position), to learn the feeling of swinging the club back naturally (see image below).

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

Finish the swing halfway back (see image below), making sure the left wrist is “bowed”.

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

From there will a little more turn and arm lift you have a  great backswing position (see image below).

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

Step 4: Golf Tee In The Grip Drill
If you cupped due to bouncing the club at the end of the backswing (common fault for senior golfers), do the “Golf Tee In The Grip Drill”.

Set a golf tee between your left hand and the grip (see image below).

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

If the tee falls out at the top of the backswing, you know that your left wrist is too cupped (see image below).

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

Step 5: Point Both Thumbs Up Drill
A simple way to stop cupping is to point both thumbs at the sky at the top of the backswing (see image below). If you point your thumbs at the target, you’ll almost certainly be cupped.

Fixing Cupped Left Wrist Drill

Step 6: Split Hands Drill
Use your driver (so you can see how the shaft flexes during the drill).

Split your hands on the club (see image below). This “splitting of the hands” automatically gives you more width on the backswing, which helps bow the left wrist.

Rory Mcilroy Hand Speed Drill

Address the ball with your split hand grip (see image below).

Rory Mcilroy Hand Speed Drill

Swing to the top (see image below). This will get you into an ideal top of swing position with just the right amount of bowed left wrist.

Rory Mcilroy Hand Speed Drill

Step 7: Competitive Practice
Spend 5 to 15 minutes doing one or more of the drills above (e.g. Start At Post Impact Drills and 10 Split Hands Drills). If you’re doing this at home, use a mirror so you can see the correct positions.

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